Wednesday, May 26

Let's connect on Facebook :)

Okay, I feel like I'm the last person on earth to register with Facebook. I finally decided to do so today, mainly because my self-imposed deadline for launching my new website is fast approaching, and  I wanted to use it as a promotional tool. I probably went about it the wrong way by starting with a page first. I was wondering how to connect to others before realizing I did not have a profile!
So I set that up - mind you, I'm not sure I like the interface on FB - and aesthete that I am I wish I could liven up the page with my personal colour preference. So, the confusing thing is that now I have a page titled Duni Buesken Handmade (see badge in left column of this blog) AND a profile page under my full name, which is Dunja Buesken, but please, do not start calling me by my proper first name (only my teachers used to and official people call me that!)
Can someone please let me know where I can get the code for the fan box widget thingy? Sorry, but for some reason I don't find it easy to navigate on FB. Anyhow, I'd like to connect to all my blogging friends who are on FB. If you have a widget or badge or whatever it is called I'll look for you there, if not, and you'd still like to connect please let me know in a comment on this post. And if you need an incentive...I'm planning a wonderful DB Exclusives Sling Bag giveaway this summer for Facebook Friends only. ☺


  1. I am on facebook
    but its not active .... LOL
    I do almost nothing there :-)

    I cannot help you
    I hit on your name
    logged in with my facebook account
    I was on my facebook
    Nothing from Duni ????
    Sorry :(

  2. I set up a page and now do nothing with it. I keep forgetting about it. I also found that it was not easy for me to figure things out on FB. One day, I will be a big girl and learn what I need to know:)

  3. Oh, I really am so excited to see your website!

  4. I'll gladly add you in facebook however I must confess that I rarely ever go there :) I just could never get in to it.

  5. Okay, I am one of the last people on earth to not be on Facebook! If I ever do decide to get on it, I'll find you!

  6. I just signed up too so I was the second to last person to sign up! lol. Just going over to hook up with you.

  7. I have facebook, but I don't like it. I only interact with it if I have to. lol

  8. Dunja Buesken :) hola!

  9. add me up on FB please

    Emiliana Sison

  10. Very happy and honored that you friend-ed me on Facebook!

  11. You can search my FB in search column there (VanillaSeven) and add me :)

  12. I "liked" your page. :) I actually do more promoting through my profile page than my fan page.

  13. AnonymousMay 27, 2010

    Duni...Welcome to 2010!!!!
    I hate their interface, too...and they are always changing it!

    Okay...I fanned your page (I show up as Lisa Smith Sittniewski), but I couldn't find your regular non-business one under your name. If you want to fan my business page, search in the search bar on FaceBook under "Alterity Button Jewelry"

    BTW...I won't call you by it, but you have a lovely name. Way better than "Lisa"!!!!! You are such a lovely woman :)

    I save most of my promoting for my fan page, but tend to update my profile page more often. I am trying to get better about this and starting Monday this week have been trying to update it at least 3 times a week to start. Once you build the habit, it should work right in :)

  14. Great! I will look you up on Facebook :)

  15. I use it daily to advertise my blog etc... of course I also use it to keep in touch with out of town friends. It's a great promotional tool especially if you have a new product or website you'll be promoting. You can find me by doing a search on my name Joanne Olivieri on the facebook site then go ahead and add me.

  16. I found your facebook fan page and "liked" it :)

  17. Hi again. I'm not sure if you know this yet, but to get the FB widget on your blog:

    1. Go to your page on FB
    2. On the right hand side there should be a list of things you can add to or edit your blog choose add widget.

    Hope this helps some.

  18. Duni, I'm so excited to see your new website. And, yes, I'm going to look for you in Facebook.


  19. Hi Duni,

    I go to photobucket to select a picture of a Facebook button that I like and you can use and edit (to include your FB page url) the html code and put it as a widget on your blog.

    Il Mare Atelier

  20. I must say that I don't like facebook interface either. I started with my name and then added another for storybeader. Use it for mainly marketing, and putting up photos there. I belong to facebook fans of etsy, and they helped me get started. Try a group of your interest - they will probably help.

  21. AnonymousMay 28, 2010

    Hi Duni! Scooter wanted to let you know that we gave Sammy an award on our blog! You can read all about it here:

    Happy Weekend!
    Purrs from Scooter

  22. try this :

    hope it helps :)

    btw, care for badge exchange? Looking forward to hear from you. Have a great weekend :)


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