Friday, September 6

Stoff Flohmarkt - Resteverkauf - Basics


Hallo, ihr Lieben!

Stoffflohmarkt, 3. Runde! Basic Stoffe - Karos, Streifen, Punkte, Ton-in-ton -
Es sind noch wenige Meter vorrätig - und diese biete ich hier zu einem sehr guten Preis an:
• Euro 5,- pro METER zzgl. Versandkosten (variiert je nach Größe/Gewicht)
• Mindestbestellmenge 1 Meter. Solange der Vorrat reicht.
• Alle gezeigten Stoffe sind hochwertige Designerstoffe aus reiner Baumwolle und circa 112 cm breit 
• Privatverkauf - Keine Rücknahme.
• Keine Stoffreservierung.

Weiter unten gibt es eine kleine Auswahl an Sonderstoffen.

Bei Interesse bitte Email an duni.buesken(at)gmx(punkt)de mit der Angabe der Nummer(n) bzw. des Buchstabens und eure Lieferadresse. Zum Vergrößern auf Bild klicken.

Stoff Nr. 1 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 3 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 7 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 9 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 12 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 13 - wenig Vorrat
Stoff Nr. 16 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 19 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 20 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 21 ist ausverkauft
Stoff Nr. 23 ist ausverkauft


Friday, August 30

DIY Vintage Style Accordion Book

Hi crafty friends!

For the longest time I wanted to make an altered accordion booklet. Well, last weekend I set some time aside to finally make one! Patience is required to make one of these, as a lot of prep work has to be done and the drying time between each layer takes some time. I wanted mine to have a vintage feel with soft colors and plenty of floral motifs. And as an animal lover I wanted to add animal images as well.

I pulled out a bunch of art supplies...acrylic inks, paints, stamp pads, assorted collage papers, pens, stamps and stencils. I usually decide which ones to use, while I am doing the actual crafting. That's the beauty of mixed media art!

One of the first things I did was make lots of floral ephemera. I stamped a whole bunch of floral images on white drawing paper, then I colored these in with gouache paints, and once dry I fussy cut them all out. This was quite a task, but I love how these turned out!

I started by randomly stamping a grid pattern on all the pages of the booklet. While the ink was drying I then altered a mini envelope (see top left corner). I would later add this to one of the pages. It's a fun touch and you can keep some special and personal notes in there. While this isn't a full tutorial - that would take hours - you can watch the demo below:

If you are watching this on YouTube, a "like" or share would be massively appreciated ♥ Happy Friday!

Monday, August 12

Mixed Media Cards & Envelopes

Hello lovelies,
today I am sharing a fun mixed media craft - altered cards and envelopes using a variety of techniques, such as collage, stamping, mark making and painting with a brayer! You can watch the tutorial on Youtube. A full list of supplies is in the video description.

Below are some additional tips!

I have used a small rubber brayer to quickly roll the acrylic paint across the envelope, both front and back. Let the first color dry, before applying the next one. Remember to wipe excess paint off the brayer to avoid the two colors mixing. 

The end of a used wine cork is perfect for making these big dots. Simply dip it in the paint and make some random marks. I also used a black paint marker with a chisel tip to make a row of marks.

I applied a thin coat of white gesso to the front of the card, before pressing it in the diluted paint. Let the paint flow naturally and try not to move it around or manipulate it with a brush. This needs to dry completely, before adding any further layer, such as collage or embellishments.

I always have some stamped and colored embellishments ready to use. I stamped a flower motiv and used colored pencils to color it in. I also used a alphabet stamp to make the word. I fussy cut them carefully. I used a glue stick to adhere them on the card in the desired position.

I hope you enjoyed this free tutorial. If you watched the video on Youtube, a "thumbs up" would be very much appreciated :)

Monday, July 29

Dahlia Love ♥ Free Art Tutorial

Hello friends!
it's the height of summer and my dahlias are in full bloom. Way back in February I bought dahlia bulbs from a flower market in the Netherlands. I planted them in our garden in March, and since then they have grown exceptionally well. I find that they prefer a shady area and need plenty of water. I guess it's a good thing, that it rains frequently in my area!

Insprired by these beauties I created a fun and colorful art journal spread! I am sharing the video here or you can watch on You Tube if you prefer. If you are new to mixed media or art journaling - no worries. This tutorial is beginner friendly and only limited supplies necessary. Enjoy and have a great week!

p.s. if you do watch on YouTube, a "thumbs up" would be massively appreciated :)

Sunday, July 14

Sunday ♥ Funday

Hello lovelies!
Today I'm sharing a fun and colorful art tutorial - perfect for beginners. Enjoy and happy Sunday 😊🌻

Watch on YouTube :

Tuesday, May 28

Colorful, playful messy art!

Hi creatives!
In trying times I find the one thing that's keeping me centered is making messy art in my little art journal. I've been doing a lot of it recently. Ten minutes of blissful art making with no pressure or expectations. Perhaps these videos will inspire you to grab some paints, pens and ink and just go for it!

Have a beautiful day, whereever you may be.

Wednesday, March 27

Stoff Flohmarkt % Ausverkauf % Sale %

[Werbung] English below

Ihr Lieben!

der Großteil meiner Lagerware ist nun abverkauft. Von den folgenden Stoffen sind noch wenige Meter vorrätig - und diese biete ich hier zu einem sehr guten Preis an:
• Euro 5,- pro METER zzgl. Versandkosten
• Mindestbestellmenge 1 Meter. Solange der Vorrat reicht.
• Alle gezeigten Stoffe sind hochwertige Designerstoffe aus reiner Baumwolle und circa 112 cm breit 
• Privatverkauf - Keine Rücknahme.

Die Stoffe sind durchnummeriert. Bei Interesse bitte Email an duni.buesken(at)gmx(punkt)de mit der Angabe der Nummer(n). Zum Vergrößern auf Bild klicken.

Hi friends!
I have been busy clearing out my stockroom. I still have some cute fabrics left. If you are interested in any of these, please email me duni.buesken(at)gmx(dot)de. They are Euro 5,- (USD 5.40) per METER plus shipping. NO returns. Only a couple of meters left per fabric. They are premium quality designer fabrics in 100% cotton, 44 inches wide. Click the image to enlarge.

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