Wednesday, May 27

Getting ready for little kitty

First of all, I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for leaving such kind and uplifting comments in regard to my mom's current situation. I am so thankful for having such awesome blogging friends.

Well, we're just about ready to leave. We had to organize a new set of wheels double quick, because we didn't want to risk driving all that way with less than satisfactory wheels.

I still need to clear some space for my mom's cat. She'll be kept in a separate room the first week. I've arranged everything she needs in there. We think it's best if she gets used to her new surroundings first before meeting her big brofur Sammy. I think Sammy will be fine about it, but not so sure about Sumi - yes, that's her name. Sammy and Sumi. She's about 4 years old, but she's tiny. Also, she is on medication because of a kidney dysfunction. She doesn't like to be held, but she does like to have her fur brushed. She is very, very shy.

I have also ordered one of these: 

Sumi has also got a new cat basket and litter box, but we'll take her old toys and blankets. I really do hope Sammy and Sumi will get along.

And in case you think I've forgotten about crafting it forward - don't worry, I will announce who the winner before I leave...

Monday, May 25

Sew little time...

Some of you may have noticed that it's been a while since I last posted something I made. This is mainly due to time constraint (either my workload has increased or I'm getting slower at getting it done), and a number of other mundane things that keep me away from the sewing machine. Unfortunately, this week is booked up with doctor's appointments plus a visit to the dentist and I just found out that my mother's longstanding illness has taken a turn for the worse. My mom lives about 400 miles from where I live, and it looks like we'll be driving over there end of the week. In the meantime my FIL generously offered to take care of Sammy, while we're gone. I've re-scheduled everything and hubby has taken time off work specially, because somehow I don't think I can cope with my mom's situation alone. My mother also has a little kitty. We've agreed it's best if we bring her back with us, although it's going to break my mom's heart. But atleast she knows that we will provide a good home for her. Well, with all of this going on I still managed to squeeze in some sewing, if only an eyeglass/ sunglass case. I made it wide, so it even fits Jackie O-type sunglasses. It is thickly padded and closes with a flap. take care everybody...

Friday, May 22

Crafting it forward

A couple of days ago this pink padded envelope landed on my doorstep. I just knew it was for me straight away :) Sinclair over at the wonderful blog Nature with Me sent me an adorable handmade pincushion shaped like a birdie and lovingly embroidered. It came wrapped up in a beautiful piece of lace fabric which immediately went into my special fabric box - I'll definitely incorporate it into one of my bags. Thank you so much! I love my little pincushion, and as I mentioned in a private email it is far too precious to stick pins into! So....I hope you don't mind, Sinclair, but I altered it slightly by attaching a bit of ribbon to hang it up in my office! In fact, I used the ribbon that you had tied around the birdie! I really enjoy looking at it from my desk :) Now it's my turn to 'craft it forward'. I'll be making something from fabric obviously. Not straight away, but definitely before summer. I can't guarantee that you'll like my choice of fabric, but I do hope so! The recipient will be chosen randomly from all commenters of my last three posts. I will reveal the recipient's name next week, so keep tuned!

Wednesday, May 20

Just one of those days...

First of all THANK YOU for your concern about my computer trouble! The PC-repairman did a great job getting it up and running again. Thank goodness there is no damage to the hard drives (phew). However, I did lose a week's worth of work. Luckily today is a public holiday, so I will try to re-do my work (from memory) and catch up as much as possible. While I was offline I did the laundry. The clothes horse (does one still say that these days?) broke and all my freshly laundered clothes landed onto the as yet unwashed floor. Hmph. When I opened the bathroom cabinet to get out the detergent, the handle broke. Superglueing it back on did not work. What next? I'm afraid to touch my sewing machine in case that breaks too!!! I guess it's just one of those days. So, what do you think about all this, Sammy?
Ignorance is bliss...

Tuesday, May 19

PC Problems!

I am writing this from an external computer...just wanted to let everyone know that my computer crashed this morning and all efforts to 'revive' it have been in vain. It's now with our local PC-repairman. Don't know how long this will take. 

Thank you to all commenters on my previous post.  I won't be able to visit/comment on your blogs for a, please accept my apology in advance!  Without my computer I feel like one of my limbs has been amputated. I may be able to check up on my blog from hubby's computer from time to time, but it's just not the same. I've got work-related stuff on mine which I can't do without!

I'm at a loose end at the moment. Just as well I have an appointment with a health practitioner this afternoon - not that I look forward to going much - but at least it will take my mind off worrying about my computer!

take care,

Saturday, May 16

Pro's and con's of working at home

According to a recent survey, 76% of people living in this country would prefer to work from home, or at least three working days a week. This has already become a reality for around 2 million people in Germany, especially those working for big companies like BMW or Siemens. I don't work for any of these companies, but ever since I moved out here I have made a conscious choice to work from home as a freelancer. Does this mean I get to lounge around in my fleece pants all day? On the contrary! I need to be highly disciplined and organized, stick to a fixed work schedule and meet deadlines, especially since I don't have a boss breathing down my neck! Besides, clients are only one telephone call away and people tend to get up early over here. It's not unusual for a potential client to call at 7:30 a.m. Luckily, I'm an early riser and I do get most of the work done in the mornings. The advantage is I have the choice of focusing on my work wearing my fleece pants :) Another advantage is that no time is wasted with the usual gossip that makes the rounds in an office each morning. I used to work in an office with several other women. The only male we ever saw was the FedEx man and the janitor. The atmosphere was bitchy - and that's putting it mildly! I'm glad I'm not subjected to that anymore... So, what are the disadvantages? Obviously, it's the feeling of being cut off from the rest of the workforce. That's why I skype with others in my field. There's also the forgetting to take regular breaks. And weekends are weekends, although every freelancer I know will put in some extra work on Saturdays or Sundays, myself included. Here are a few things that are essential, if you want to work from home successfully: 1. a home office, separated by a door you can close and lock would be ideal 2. tools - telephone, computer with internet access*, a printer that also faxes and scans would be useful, external harddisk to store important data * my hubby surprised me with a beautiful flatscreen monitor today. I am so happy about it. There is so much room on my desk now. Thank you hubby! You're the best. 3. webcam is optional 4. a big sign above your desk with the words TAKE A BREAK ! Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend!

Monday, May 11

Technical thoughts on Monday

What have I done lately? Well, for those who have been reading along will know that I'm trying to set up my own website. I have been researching the internet and checked out some books on the subject, and have narrowed down the options available to me. Of course, hiring a company to do it was out of the question from the start! They cost from Euro 1.000 upwards and it's not guaranteed that you will be able to manage the content. Some companies charge extra for that. Another option would be to ask a friend of a friend of a friend who is a techie to set it up for much less than that, however I would have to make do with a basic design lacking any sort of originality. But you know me...just like this blog I have my heart set on a unique template that is totally me. At least I have done two important things on my 'to do' list. I have registered my domain name and I have secured web space. There are a few online sources that provide a complete package - template plus installing a programme that lets you have complete content management - for about 200 US$. You will need to learn how to use and optimize the programme by yourself via a handbook, which you can download for free. The programme most commonly used is Joomla, and I found out that they have a German version since beginning of this year - which is useful since I happen to live here and would mainly be targeting the German-speaking market. Hubby, who is much more adept at all things technical installed Joomla and a couple of other technical applications which are necessary for this programme to run. My next job will be to study the handbook and see if I can, in fact, create my own template. That's the challenging but also exciting part. The programme lets you do a 'test-run' before you actually transfer the data to your web space. So, I will be fiddling with that in the coming weeks, learning by trial and error as usual :) I will blog about my progress every now and then, and let you know what works and what doesn't. Hopefully, I will keep my sanity while I embark on this endeavour! Have a good week!

Sunday, May 10

Dear Mom,

thank you for always being there when I needed you most. Happy Mother's Day ♥
For some reason there are very few photo's of me and my mom together. This is one of them from way back in the 70's at Christmas - I just adore that dress my mom's wearing; wish she had kept it. I could have worn it now - so vintage!

Sunday, May 3

Paris, je t'aime (Paris I love you)

I had a bit of a scare two days ago when I couldn't access my blog on Blogger. I kept getting this error: bX-r1ezpk I panicked. Then I went to Blogger help and found out that (thankfully) I wasn't the only one having this problem. Suffice it to say I went to bed with mixed feelings; trusting that if many more people were getting this error message Blogger would work through the night to fix it :) The next morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and forced myself to stay in bed for another half hour, telling myself I will not be ruled by my computer! By six I was at my desk frantically typing in my password and lo and behold my blog was back up! So, a big thanks to Blogger for speedily fixing whatever it was that had caused this problem. In March I wrote about new fabric arrivals - my last major purchase, in fact. You can read about it here. I promised to show you the new bag I designed. Well, here it Paris bag. Ooh là là, don't you just love Paris in the springtime? This bag has enormous capacity, due to its rounded shape. It measures approx. 18 inches/45 cm at its widest point. I have stabilized the entire tote - it stays upright on its own. It is fully lined with one large interior pocket in a contrasting fabric. Closes with a strong magnetic button. I have tied a polka dot bow onto one of the brown leather handles. Alternatively, you can use it to tie up your hair into a ponytail or wear it as a headband!