Tuesday, May 25

Garden Scenes II & a Kitty

A few of my favourite colours brightening up our garden...

...and Sammy!


  1. Wow!!
    Sammy its a puurfect picture
    a little mysterious :-)
    We love it .....
    and nice to see you !!!!
    Lovely flowers Duni
    so colorful :-)

    Enjoy your sunny day
    Kareltje & Anya

  2. AnonymousMay 25, 2010

    Hi Sammy!

    Love the flowers, Duni...don't you love this time of year when things start waking up again!? I only wished it lasted longer :)

  3. Aw, Sammy is so adorable! Love his cheeks. And your flowers are beautiful. :)

  4. Duni, you have a most beautiful garden and the most adorable kitty! Those flowers are gorgeous!


  5. Aw, nothing like a cat with some plants! Gorgeous garden (and kitty!). :)

  6. Your plants look lovely, I love Bleeding Hearts! Mine are just coming up now.

  7. Oooooooooooooooo.. i always love the flowers in the 2nd picture.. what are they called?

    oh what beautiful Sammy's eyes are :)

  8. Mother Nature creates such marvelous art! I like to bring blooms inside the house because I feel like nothing else will brighten up a space like a flower.

    Sammy is so cute in that photo!

  9. AnonymousMay 25, 2010

    Lovely photos, but me thinks kitty stole the limelight...awe

  10. AnonymousMay 25, 2010

    Hi Sammy! (And Duni.) Your garden is purdy. We've got one growing, too--but it's all in pots right now. Mommy says she's gonna blog about it as soon as we finish our comic book series at the end of the week.

    Mommy says to tell you that she's doing good--she's been outside a lot messing with her plants, and making lots of road trips to visit her friends while the weather is nice. She's trying to get back to blogging now, at least on our cat blog.

    We hope things are going well on your side of the world!

    Snuggles from,
    Scooter (And Abby)

  11. Such beauty in your garden!

  12. The flowers are spectacular but the little kitty steals the show. Adorable.

  13. Your garden is beautiful Duni but the perfect touch is Sammy.

  14. Sammy is adorable! I just love his cute face and white whiskers! Oh, your garden is very pretty too! :)

  15. AnonymousMay 26, 2010

    As much as I love the pretty flowers I think, I know, I like the last pic best!

  16. I can definitely see that you have quite a green thumb along with your other talents. Sammy is as cute as ever! Gorgeous photography.

  17. My human needs to get a bunch of pretty plants and flowers so I can pose among them and look cute too. (Of course, she will have to buy them already in bloom since she has NO green thumb to speak of!)

  18. hi,
    Lovely pics...good work ...keep it up...i like ur blog...its very interesting with a different concept..

  19. Those are awesome pictures of awesome spring flowers. I agree with Anya, Sammy looks mysterious in the photo. Not only are you an excellent handbag maker; you're an excellent photographer as well, Duni.



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