Saturday, June 2

Fabric Bundles ::: Stoffpakete

Hi friends!            Hallo Freunde!

First of all I'd like to thank everyone who commented on this post. I still think the accusation is ridiculous, but they were threatening to take down my blog, so what choice did I have but to delete the post in question. So that's one less cute photo of Sammy here on my blog, but don't worry, I'll make up for it next week, because Sammy's birthday is coming up :)

On to more pleasant things! Did you know I am offering single Fat Quarters and fabric bundles in my fabric shoppe? The FQ's start from as little as Euro 3,95 (approx. USD 4,88). Plus I cut them larger. A fat quarter usually measures 18" x 22 " but mine are adapted to the metric system - a quarter of one meter. I also make sure the fabric bundles I put together are well-matched, so that all you sewing enthusiasts out there can get straight to sewing your project! Here are a few examples:
You can find these and single fat quarters here.

Liebe Nähfreunde, wusstet ihr, dass ich in meinem Stofflädchen auch Fat Quarter und schön aufeinander abgestimmte Stoffpakete anbiete? Oben seht ihr eine Auswahl dessen. Und da ich die FQ's an das metrische Maßsystem angepasst habe, bekommt ihr natürlich größer geschnittene Fat Quarters, schon ab Euro 3,95! Stoffpakete und einzelne FQ's gibt es hier. Neue Schrägbänder in den beliebten Farben und mit Herzchen gibt es hier und süße Püncktchen-Knöpfe hier.
Außerdem noch weitere Bänder, Borten und Spitze...die dem Kissen, der Tasche oder dem Kinderrock den letzten Schliff geben und sie zu etwas Besonderem machen!
I love finishing off my sewn pieces with fun trims, ribbons and buttons!

Habt ein wunderschönes Wochenende und 
Happy Sewing!


  1. Soo schöne Stoffe, ich darf gar nicht genauer schauen... und die Bänder sind auch so süß!

    Ich könnt sowieso den ganzen Tag Stoffe und Glas shoppen ;-).

    LG Roswitha

  2. I really hope you feel better now Duni :) Don't worry your blog friends / fans are always here to support you :)

    The fabrics look so eye candy. Hope you will able to sell them.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. what? take down your blog? that's crazy! you're blog is nothing but inspiring ... you have a large fan base my dear. keep blogging

  4. Take down your blog? Wow, and here they leave up blogs with the worst content ever and a cat is an offender? Silliness:)

    I like the trims you use. The ones you have up today are such that I would buy some just because I like them. Isn't that crazy?

    have a great day!

  5. Gorgeous fabrics and ribbons! I don't do a lot of sewing, but I still enjoy using ribbons for other projects like greeting cards. I hope that you get lots of sales!

  6. Poor Sammy! We think he needs extra posts to make up for the deleted one!

    Love those fabric combinations! The top two in both of the right side groups are gorgeous!

  7. AnonymousJune 03, 2012

    Lovely! Oh, no, I'll have to go check it out:(

  8. Well I certainly look forward to seeing more of Sammy.
    Those are some pretty fabrics. I like the fat quarter bundles because I'm horrible at selecting fabrics that go well together

  9. Great bundles. The color combinations are fantastic.
    Everyday Inspired

  10. Liebste Duni,
    ich komme leider erst jetzt dazu wieder bei Dir zu lesen und bin ganz entsetzt über die ganzen unangenehmen Neuigkeiten (Hab´auch Deinen englischen Post gelesen). Der arme Sammy!
    Deine Stoffe, sind sooo... wunderschön! Ich wünschte, ich könnte nähen!
    Du bist einfach die Beste!
    Fühl Dich umarmt!
    Alles Liebe,

  11. So many gorgeous fabric prints. The ribbon is so sweet. I look forward to seeing more Sammy!!!


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