Wednesday, September 14

Fall apples....Herbstäpfel

As I mentioned a couple of times we didn't have much of a summer this year. Depressing, I know. Especially for someone like me who needs the sun to regenerate. This past week we've had rainstorms and even a minor earthquake (4.4) in our area! So, I've been hanging out on Pinterest a lot lately, admiring images of gorgeous fall decorations and apples - one of my favourite fruit. Thought I'd share...

Source: via Bridget on Pinterest

Wir hatten ja dieses Jahr leider keinen richtigen Sommer, und das deprimiert mich ein wenig, denn ich gehöre zu den Menschen, die absolut Sonne brauchen, um zu regenerieren. Nun hatten wir in der letzten Woche dann wieder Regenstürme und ja sogar ein Erdbeben (4.4)! Was tun, um die Stimmung zu heben? Wunderschöne Bilder auf Pinterest anschauen...z.B. habe ich einfach mal "Herbst" und "Äpfel" in die Suche eingegeben und seitenweise großartige Bilder bekommen...

Source: None via D'Nese on Pinterest

Yum Yum. Mmmh...lecker

Source: via Dunja on Pinterest


  1. Liebe Duni,

    was für eine wunderschöne Apfeldeko!
    Dabei fällt mir ein, dass ich mir unbedingt einen Zierapfelbaum kaufen will. Im letzten DK-Urlaub stand einer im Garten. Einfach toll!!!
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Restwoche,
    liebe Grüße, Iris

  2. Cute! Love that floating apple candle idea:) Sorry to hear it's been so stormy there! Here too actually...we're seeing the sun for the first time in a few weeks now.

  3. The third picture is a killer ;-) It made me crave for one. hahaha
    We don't have autumn here in the Philippines but temperature usually cools down during the BER months.

  4. I'll have to get on Pintrest at some point. It seems like everyone is having a lot of fun there. Your apple finds are gorgeous! Apples are definitely one of my favorite parts about fall. Sorry that your summer weather was so disappointing, but hopefully fall will be inspiring.

  5. Liebe Duni,
    wunderschöne Apfelbilder die du da zeigst. Hast du das Erdbeben auch gespührt??? Wir haben es gespührt, es war ein echt komisches Gefühl.
    Ich wünsch dir eine schöne Rest-Woche.
    GGGVLG Bina

  6. Sorry about your short Summer...
    I think I would be perfectly fine if it was Autumn year-around —love it!
    We all regenerate in different ways.

    Don't let the temperatures —or earthquakes— bring you down!

  7. Great apple finds Duni! That Pininterest looks like fun but I'm afraid of spending too much time over there. We'll see.

  8. I need the sun too so I know how you feel! The apple finds are great. Just look at all the different things you can do with them besides eat!

  9. lovely images, I haven't had much time for pinterest lately but I do love that site

  10. I love fall and all of the colors! I hope you see the sun soon and your world stops shaking. That's SCARY!! Be safe, pally!

  11. Great fall montage..apples say September don't they? Love the quote~

  12. Great idea:) Such a beautiful effect, apple, leaves yes it's autumn :) I love these colours, but It's sad that summer is over :(

  13. What beautiful pictures!!! I'm in Los Angeles and we are still suffering through a long hot summer so it was a delight to see all your refreshing photos. I am so looking forward to the Fall - especially now that I got some great decorating ideas and inspirations from your post!


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