Sunday, July 17

Duni's Studio Blog make over...Duni's Studio neuer Look

Hi everybody!

as you can see my blog has undergone a complete make over! I'm almost done; it just needs a little tweaking here and there. Whadya think?
I had a specific design in mind, based (believe it or not) on a favourite plate of mine! Talented blog designer Sheila did an amazing job implementing it! I had worked with her on my first blog template too ~ she provides exceptionally fast, efficient and friendly service. And I really appreciate her patience answering all of my questions :) Thank you, Sheila!

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Hallo zusammen!
wie man unschwer erkennen kann, habe ich eine komplett neue Oberfläche für mein Blog bekommen. Ob ihr es glaubt oder nicht, das neue Design basiert auf das Muster meines Lieblingstellers! Hier und da muss ich noch einige Veränderungen vornehmen und die rechte Spalte optimieren. Die talentierte Blogdesignerin Sheila, mit der ich nun zum 2. Mal kollaboriere, hat meine Idee super schnell und effizient umgesetzt. Vielen Dank, Sheila, auch dafür, dass Du so geduldig meine diversen Fragen beantwortet hast!


  1. It's so cute! <3 Reminds me somehow of a jar with home made jam. :)

    *hugs* It looks great!

  2. Hi Duni, es sieht soooo schön aus,soooooo süß, zauberhaft, I love it!!! Herzlichen Glückwünsch Du Süße!!!



  3. Very nice Duni! Fresh and fun!

  4. Hi Duni! I love the new look of your blog.:) The combination of colors are so elegant and refreshing to the eyes too. It perfectly reflects you.

  5. It is beautiful! I love the new look and you look fantastic in your new fb photo--you are out to conquer the world!!

  6. Your new blog look is very pretty Duni! I expected more pink for some reason but I like what you've come up with. I agree with Erika, you look fabulous in your new FB photo!

  7. Love the new look! Very shabby chic:)

  8. Love it! Knew I would though. That's such a beautiful new photo of you too!

  9. I think it looks fabulous. I'm surprised at the color though. I would have thought it would have been pink. I must say though that I LOVE the blue

  10. I LOVE the look!! So clean and sweet! :) Isn't it nice to have someone who can help you do it?? I just did mine and there is no way I could do it myself.

  11. Hi Duni! :D Wow, I'm loving your new look. Clean, crafty and sweet... as sweet as you. Congrats ya.

  12. LOL! I just noticed Lin and I said the same thing :)

  13. Der neue Look ist wunderbar frisch. Gratulation dazu! Auf den ersten Blick, dachte ich schon ich sei falsch. Aber einmal gesehen hat sich das neue Layout gleich so eingeprägt, dass das sicher nicht nochmal passiert!

  14. So pretty and cute! I wish I could "renovate" my blog. I am a bit bored of mine right now...

  15. Love the new look Duni! So glad Sis was able to make it over for ya! xoxo

  16. The new layout is great! I love the dots and the whole color scheme.

  17. Hi Duni! It's been a long time since I visited this blog... I love the new look of your site...

  18. sei gegrüßt duni,
    der neue look deinens blogs gefällt mir gut,wobei mir auhc der alte gefiel. obwohl ich nciht weiß wie lang du damit gearbeitet hattest. lg ml


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