Wednesday, April 20

diy cute bug pin cushion [ free PDF template ]

Hello lovelies,
today I'm sharing an easy handmade gift idea for friends who sew (or keep it for yourself)! Plus it's a great way to use up those itty bitty pieces of leftover fabric :)
Hallo, ihr Lieben,
die komplette Nähanleitung (Deutsch) für dieses süße Krabbelkäfer-Nadelkissen inklusive Vorlage findet Ihr im Dawanda Do-It-Yourself Portal :)

You'll need

leftover cotton fabric
iron-on interfacing (thin)
polyfill fiber (for stuffing)
rick rack trim (for the legs) - sponsored by Union Knopf
fabric marker
matching thread
basic sewing kit
sewing machine

Download the free PDF template. Use a very narrow seam allowance unless indicated otherwise

  1. Print and cut out the paper template. 
  2. Iron the interfacing to wrong side of fabric left overs. The fabric pieces should be big enough to accomodate the paper template pieces
  3. Lay template on wrong side of fabric and trace around each with fabric pen. As indicated on template (I know it's in German, but it's the numbers that are important) cut out two pieces for the bug head, two pieces for the bug belly, one piece for bug middle back and two pieces (different fabric) for the bug wings.

  1. Sew head pieces together, right sides facing. The dashed line as indicated on the template should be left open. Snip away small triangles along the curves. Turn right side out. Then stuff a tiny bit of polyfill fiber into it.
  2. Next attach wings right sides facing to middle back piece, straight edge aligned. Stitch using a narrow seam allowance. Iron seams to one side.
  1. Cut rick rack trim into 6 pieces each measuring 1.5 " 
  2. Attach to wings as indicated on template
  3. Attach head at the narrow end of middle back piece with raw edges aligning
  4. Baste

  1. Lay bug belly pieces rights sides together and stitch straight edge leaving a 4" gap
  2. Iron seam open

  1. Lay back piece and belly piece right sides together. Don't worry - back piece is slightly larger than belly piece to accomodate the polyfill fiber and to create a nice mound shape!
  2. Make sure the edges are aligned and pin all around
  3. Stitch using a 0.4" seam allowance, go slowly when you come to the head part
  4. Snip little triangles as you did for the head
  5. Turn carefully through opening and pack tightly with polyfill fiber
  6. Stitch gap closed by hand

Your little 'bug' pin cushion is finished!
 photo signature_zpscqkypdzs.png


  1. Hallo liebe Duni,
    eine sehr schöne und plausible Anleitung für dieses süße kleine Nadelkissen.
    Ich habe mir am Samstag die vereinfachte Form davon genäht.
    Viele liebe Grüße, Synnöve

    1. Danke Dir, Synnöve :) Nadelkissen kann (frau) nie genug haben!

  2. OMG! This is adorable! I was shopping for some vintage sewing notions yesterday, and kept finding little goodies that would've been perfect for a young person's first sewing kit. This bug would be great for that, too.

  3. what a great idea and such a cute result!!

  4. This is so cute Duni. It would make a fun gift for a seamstress friend.

  5. So cute! And I really love the blue fabric - the pattern and colors are great!

  6. This is so cute and clever!

  7. what a cute pin cushion that is. I read somewhere that if you put some steel wool in your pincushions it helps keep your pins sharp.

  8. What a cute way to use up leftovers :)

  9. What a great idea for scrap fabric! It's too cute!

  10. Liebste Duni,
    das ist ein tolles Nadelkissen, mal ganz anders! Danke für die so schön gemachte Anleitung dazu!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen wundervollen Tag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße, Claudia ♥

  11. That's adorable! :D I love making things out of scraps, too.

  12. Oh D. :)

    This is just the cutest :)

    Happy Thursday, cheers, T. :)

  13. Liebe Duni,
    Dein süßer Krabbelkäfer erinnert mich an den von meiner Mutter. Sie hat ihn mir genäht, als ich ca. 5 Jahre alt war. Er ist allerdings größer und ist natürlich kein Nadelkissen.
    Ich müsste mal nach ihm suchen - denn irgendwo habe ich ihn gelagert, da ich ihn immer sehr mochte.
    Viel Freude an Deinem!
    Liebe Grüße

  14. Your sewing projects are always so perfect Duni (and mine are so wonky!) You give me something to aim for :)

  15. This is adorable! I'm "pinning" for my sewing friends.


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