I can't think of anything more pleasant than crafting with a friend, especially when it's a rainy weekend. I posted a pic of some beady goodies on my instagram the other day, and some of you were curious to know what I made with them. Well, gifts for one, but I also treated myself to a colourful, chunky necklace. My dear friend who is super crafty (she crochets, knits, sews, makes jewelry to name but a few things) made these wonderful little crochet balls - I call them "kitty" balls with little bells inside. She also made a bunch of bright and funky friendship bracelets, owls, baby booties and so much more :)
Was gibt es Schöneres, als an einem verregneten Wochenende mit einer lieben Freundin kreativ zu sein. Vor einiger Zeit zeigte ich das obige Bild bei Instagram , und einige von Euch wollten wissen was ich daraus gemacht habe. Nun, daraus sind Geschenke entstanden sowie eine bunte Halskette für mich! Meine sehr kreative Freundin Y. (sie häkelt, strickt, näht, macht Kreuzstich und fertigt Schmuck) hat diese lustigen kleinen Kugeln gehäkelt - ich nenne sie "Katzenbälle". Sie sind innen mit einem kleinen Glöckchen versehen. Außerdem hat sie noch eine ganze Menge bunter Freundschaftsbänder geknüpft, Eulen gehäkelt, Babyschuhe gestrickt und vieles mehr :)

Meine farbenfrohe Halskette habe ich aus Fimoperlen, handbemalten Keramik und Holzperlen sowie Kunststoffperlen gefertigt! Y. hat ein schönes Sortiment an Blümchenhaarreifen gehäkelt, von pastel bis bunt!
Y. showed me the ropes (again) for how to crochet. I seem to start and stop, as I prefer knitting, but I've challenged myself to practice every night! The one thing we didn't do is sew, but then I do that for a living...;-) When was the last time you had a crafty weekend with friends?
Y. hat mir (wieder) gezeigt wie das mit dem Häkeln geht. Ich habe schon mehrmals angefangen und wieder aufgehört, weil ich das Stricken bevorzuge. Aber dieses Mal habe ich mir vorgenommen jeden Abend zu üben! Nur genäht haben wir dieses Mal nicht, aber das mache ich ja beruflich...;-)
What a fun weekend. I like the necklace you made and those kitty balls are very cool
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to spend a crafty weekend! You girls sure got a lot done too...lots of great new pieces! Love your necklace.
ReplyDeleteHow fun! I love having crafty days with my friends. A new popular thing around here is to do "wine and painting" nights, where you go to a class but you get to bring drinks! I really want to go.
ReplyDeleteLiebe Duni, wunderbare Perlen, wunderbare Schmuckteile, am besten find ich ja die umhäkelten Glöckchen! Was für eien Arbeit...wunderschön!
ReplyDeleteIch wünsch Dir noch einen schönen Nachmittag!
♥ Allerliebste Grüße, Claudia ♥
Crafty times with friends are very fun!
ReplyDeletegreat new necklace!
The kitty balls are wonderful! What kitty wouldn't love those?!!
It sounds like you had a perfect time with your crafty friend! I love the beads you guys worked with. Such pretty colors. The crocheted headband is adorable. I never got the hang of crocheting but could do it with wire. Knitting is definitely more for me too.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! I think the second photo of bead bowls in selective color would make a fantastic art print, and I love the beaded necklace you made. I've never gotten the hang of polymer clay or crochet, so you're way ahead of me!
ReplyDeleteFun way to spent the weekend, I like those colourful floral beads! I started making a new friendship bracelet, but I am much slower than I was when I was a kid, so it might take me another weekend to finish.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! Kitties would definitely love to play with those little balls -- especially with the yarn being so much fun! Stick with the crocheting, it's easy once you get familiar with the various stitches!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! Kitties would definitely love to play with those little balls -- especially with the yarn being so much fun! Stick with the crocheting, it's easy once you get familiar with the various stitches!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a fun, crafty weekend! Love the headband and kitty toy! Your necklace is fabulous too!
ReplyDeleteI love your necklace! A perfect rainy day project. And the kitty balls are SO CUTE! My granddaughters would love those friendship bracelets.
ReplyDeleteWow. Your necklace is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAlways more fun to craft with a friend! Love the colorful necklace
ReplyDeleteHow fun! I love crafty days with friends. And I love your necklace!
ReplyDeleteI love the colourful beads and the pattern you made for the necklace. This is definitely another item so worthy of a magazine feature. I will never get tired of campaigning for you Duni! I hope you will never find me annoying though haha Have a great day!