Wednesday, December 10

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday :)

Over here in Germany it's customary to have an Adventcalendar in the run up to Christmas. There are many types available, from chocolate-filled ones to handmade ones. Usually it's given to children, so that it makes waiting for the big day more bearable ;-) So, imagine my surprise when I received this super cute Adventcalendar from my sweet friend Verena! This was so unexpected that it literally left me speechless. Of course, I'm absolutely delighted! I have already opened days one through ten and totally love the thoughtful trinkets, baubles and yummy chocolates! HUGE thanks to Verena for making this month extra special :)
Meine liebe Freundin Verena hat mich letzte Woche mit dem auf dem obigen Foto gezeigten, super süßen Adventskalender überrascht! Damit habe ich überhaupt nicht gerechnet...die Überraschung ist ihr absolut gelungen :) Ich habe mich darüber riesig gefreut (und freue mich immer noch). Verena hat ihn so liebevoll gebastelt und befüllt. Ich bin total begeistert! An dieser Stelle nochmal ein riesen DANKESCHÖN, liebe Verena :)


  1. Hallo liebe Duni,
    eine gelungene Überraschung ist doch wirklich etwas Schönes und Du hast 24 Tage eine kleine Überraschung zu der großen dazu. Herrlich !
    Viele liebe Grüße, Synnöve

  2. Hallo liebste Duni,
    oh, das ist eine so schöne und liebe Überraschung! Das sind die kleinen Glücksmomente im Alltag, nicht?
    Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen und zufriedenen Tag !
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße, Claudia ♥

  3. what a sweet gift - and so much fun!

  4. How fun is that! What a wonderful gift!

  5. How wonderful! We have an advent calendar with chocolate from Germany. :)

  6. So sweet! My family usually did an Advent calendar when I was a kid. Last year my dad gave a (German) chocolate one to us to share, but this year we don't have anything.

  7. Awww! That's so sweet! We didn't do advent calendars growing up, but I plan to adopt the tradition when we (eventually) have a kid because I think it sounds like a lot of fun.

  8. What a sweetheart your friend is! I used to love those chocolate filled calendars :-)

  9. I don't think I've ever had an advent calendar but I've so many clever ideas for them.
    Love this one. How sweet

  10. Oh my gosh! Thanks for the reminder! We have an advent calendar and Joe and I don't remember to put the little things on the tree without the kids here to do it for us. Oops.

  11. What a thoughtful and sweet gift! We discovered the chocolate filled advent calendars when we lived in Germany over 25 years ago! I continued buying the ones from Germany after returning to the states and I still buy them for my "kids" and now my granddaughter every year!

  12. How sweet (literally:) it was for your friend to give you this present! Enjoy the yummy chocolate! I wish I can sharing with you :)

  13. This is such a cute advent calendar idea. It must be fun opening a bag each day to see what the goody is inside. :)

  14. der sieht wirklich sehr schön aus der Kalender, ich liebe auch Adventskalender und habe jedes Jahr mindestens einen und verschenke auch gerne welche. Liebe Grüße Bella

  15. Lovely surprise! I too would be the happiest to have those goodies representing every day of the advent season.

    You are too blessed to have Verona as a friend. :)


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